The One Frame Trick dive into Youtube + H265 encoding

“That’s essentially two frames now!”

In filmmaking the saying goes, the person who makes the final decision on how your movie will look is the projectionist. On the Internet, apparently it's You...

I doubt editors or producers are aware of this technical issue behind Youtube & H264 encoding. And yet it’ll hardly matter as Youtube is not the main exhibition venue for them.

In the end, people will simply dismiss this as a Youtube/online video thing that no one hardly notices or cares, and Youtube will fix this technical bug one day.

What Does an Animatic Editor Do?

I had a feel for the animatic editing when I worked on South Park promos and a Futurama (video!) podcast. I hope that I get to edit an animation project one day.

Here’s nice complimentary video about editing an animated film.

Here's a question you may never have thought about before: what does an animation editor actually do? If scenes are just written and then animated, is their ...

How to Cut Like Walter Murch

“[T]the choice of the last frame of a shot is perhaps the most important part of the ‘performance’ of the editor. It is roughly the equivalent of the bowing technique of a violinist, or the fingering technique of a guitarist.

My unbreakable rule in this regard is never to find that frame by “scrubbing”, but to choose it in real time.”